onsdag 28 maj 2014


                                                              Goal part 13
The boss give captain's bracelet to Paul... Emma sits in her room and paint and she paints Manni .. When sofie watched the match on television, she came to mean monitoring core tube. So she checked honoch saw that it was Paul who had put drugs in Mannis test!  Manni would fly for him to play the words cup and then when he manner in which the flyggplanet came Emma and then he became really happy and then huh it out ❤ ️

                                 This was the last program of Goal I thought it right as well!

Bother: Störa/ Don't bother me!: Stör mig inte!
illegal: Olaglit It's illegal to sell drugs: Det är olaglit att sälja droger!
Fed up whit:
Make a difference:
We'd better:
To get your hands on: 

fredag 23 maj 2014


                                                        Goal part 12.
The boss is very angry on Manni cus he did a urine test and the test show he at Manni take drogs but it was paul who added the drugs in his urine test. Now I think the boss to Manni take drugs fixed it right the paul. Manni trying to persuade the boss but he does not believe in Manni. And now Paul is trying to take Emma from Manni and paul is lying to emma and everything to get her back. Manni sitting in the stands and is very sad when he comes up with something. The polic com to Manni and rummaging through his house paul's friends huh there and put drugs in his bag!

I think it's are a very good movie but it are part 13 to. I think Paul is a very selfish person. And I think that Manni and Joe are very kind people!

You're sacker: Du får sparken.
No way: Inte en chans.
I'm afraid he did it: Jag är rädd att han gjorde det.
He did it by accident: Han gjorde det av ett misstag.
I don't mind: Det spelar ingen roll för mig.
Calm down: Ta det lungt

onsdag 14 maj 2014


                                                            Goal 10
Manni went by the ambulace. They take him to the hospital. Emma going to Manni and stay ther a very long time. Suddenly at night when emma was there he woke up! Emma ben very happy to se him woked up. Jim send a flower to Manni because he was so sad. They jumped on crutches out of the hospital but then after a few days he started training but gently. When Paul think tackel Manni he ben scary so he ben angry...

onsdag 7 maj 2014


                                                        Goal part 9.
Emma doing a fashion show. Manni should be a model for clothes for emma cus she had made them. Manni sit in a lift but he should really right on Emma's fashion show. Emma is so stressed cus paul is thear and he destroyed almost everything but Manni came in last second. Manni made the fashion show and emma was happy. Ther was a super stylist and the stylist hated Emma's clothes and Emma became very sad and Manni comforted her. Next day trained Manni football and when Manni and Paul's friends Jim would nod the ball nodded they warn each other's heads about Manni full on the ground and got to ride the ambulance then it was over!